ArSHA 2025- Phoenix
Rachel is an invited speaker at this year’s ArSHA Convention.
The presentation is called “Trauma-Informed Care- The Umbrella Term of Reducing Harm as Speech-Language Pathologist and Audiologist”

ASHA 2024 Seattle: Elevate!
Rachel is presenting at this year’s ASHA Convention in Seattle. She is excited to announce she will be presenting with EZPZ's own Dawn Winklemann @ms.dawnslp on trauma-informed feeding therapy
December 5th-7th

Behavior Connect: Prioritizing Connection First
Let us help!
Start feeling equipped with practical, neurodiversity- affirming tools.
Start feeling confident in creating emotionally safe therapy spaces.
Stop feeling frustrated with outdated methods that don’t meet your clients' needs.
Stop feeling uncertain about how to implement trauma- informed care.
Stop feeling lost when it comes to fostering genuine connection during therapy.
Start feeling confident in building affirming, meaningful relationships.

Fall Speech Retreat
What makes Speech Retreat unique?
A one-day event, for SLPs from SLPs!
8 inspiring presentations from SLPs in the trenches with you
On-demand access to the recordings
Certificate of Completion for all presentations you attended! You have the opportunity to earn up to 6 PDH/CMH*
Digital notes and handouts
Digital swag of resources you can use in your therapy sessions (estimated value: $40+)
Gather with hundreds of SLPs for an interactive, hands-on, and FUN day of PD
Access to an exclusive Facebook group for attendees ONLY! We will be sharing tips, resources, and fun giveaways
*PDH/CMH hours = not CEUs! Speech Retreat is not accredited by ASHA but does meet all requirements for PDH/CMH hours. Visit ASHA's website to see their statement on acceptance of CMH hours. You can submit these hours to ASHA, but we do not submit to the CEU registry.

ISHA 2024
Rachel is presenting two presentations at this year’s ISHA (Iowa) Convention.
More info to come.

ASHA School Safety Panel
School Safety: A Town Hall for Educational Audiologists and SLPs
Wednesday, October 16, 2024 | 7:00–8:30 p.m., ET
The fourth ASHA School Services Virtual Town Hall event will include a panel of school-based experts who will discuss topics such as emergency procedures and safety drills, building and environmental safety, trauma-informed care, and best practices to safeguard the well-being of students with communication disorders. You will leave empowered with the knowledge and tools needed to contribute effectively to safety in the school community.
Attendees to this virtual town hall will:
Discuss three ways to support students who use AAC and students who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH) with emergency planning.
Identify three safety plan-related action steps for your school and students.
Explain three ways to collaborate with other school staff to support school safety and trauma-informed care Content shared during this virtual town hall will apply to all CSD professionals working in schools.
This event will be recorded and is eligible for 1.5 Professional Development Hours (PDHs). A Certificate of Attendance will be provided to those who attend the full live presentation.

Rachel is presenting at this year’s FLASHA Convention on “Trauma-Informed Care- Supervision & Collaboration”

CATE (Conference for Assistive Technology and Education)
Rachel is presenting at this year’s CATE Convention on “Trauma-Informed Care and AAC”.

ISHA 2024
Rachel is presenting FOUR presentations at this year’s ISHA Convention.
More info to come.

Rachel is presenting two presentations at this year’s GOSSLP Convention.
More info to come.

ASHA 2023: Igniting Innovation
Rachel is presenting TWO presentations at this year’s ASHA Convention in Boston.
Friday, November 17th- 3:30pm-5:30pm: Trauma-Informed Care in Supervision (Masterclass)- This event is ticketed
Saturday, November 18th- 8:30am-9:30am: Trauma-Informed Care Across Settings

Will Grundy Speech and Language Association (Virtual)
After completing this course, participants will be able to:
Identify the pillars of trauma-informed care and how they apply to SLPs and related professionals
Explain the impact and prevalence of trauma
Implement language changes to help reduce possible harm, trauma, and retraumatization

SUNY Fredonia: Trauma-Informed Care for Providers
After completing this course, participants will be able to:
1. Discuss the prevalence and impact of trauma
2. Demonstrate understanding of the history of trauma-informed care and the neurodiversity movement
3. Apply language and behavioral changes to reduce possible harm, trauma, and re-traumatization

SpeechTherapyPD.com Back-2-School Conference 2023
In this FREE 4th edition of our Back-2-School Conference, the school-based SLP will be presented with ideas and resources to help them prepare for another school year. Topics will include identifying gestalt language processing, understanding trauma-informed care in the school setting, addressing the secondary students' needs, and learning relevant, engaging, and functional treatment practices for linguistically diverse students of color. So, join us as four fabulous presenters bring four hours of information to refresh and re-energize you for the upcoming school year.

Virtual Training: Trauma-Informed Care
The impact of trauma on communication
Creating a trauma informed care environment
Trauma informed approaches to speech therapy and other professions
Building resilience in individual who have experienced trauma